• The World Health Organisation (WHO) is an international body that directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations system, where their main areas of work include health systems and disease management. Within the website it is possible to find specific information about individual countries which includes information about current aspects of concern, such as disease outbreaks.


  • The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is a department of the United Kingdom Government. They provide information about all countries, in particular relating to risk and safety, threats, health and emergency contact information.


  • The NHS Fit For Travel site promotes healthy, safe and responsible travel for all people crossing international borders. They also provide a Global Online Clinic Directory which lists Travel Medicine clinics and Medical Providers.
  • The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a Medical Advisory Group who have commissioned a Medical Manual which meet the needs of airlines throughout the world. The manual includes medical information and recommendations regarding safe and smooth air travel in relation to specific medical conditions.


  • The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is the statutory corporation which oversees and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the UK. They provide a search and information tool which provides guidance and advice to health professionals relating to medical conditions and flight.


  • British Airways routinely carry passengers on board with recent medical problems. They provide detailed information relating to their acceptance criteria for travel.